
How to find us

Donna Coletta is located on strada vicinale di Saint Giovanni G59 Noci area. Noci can be reached through seversl local roads.

From Gioia del Colle (18 km), From Martina Franca (24km) from Putignano (6km) from Alberobello (18km) from Massafra (28 km), from Castellana Grotte (25km) and from Fasano (30km). The city has got a large ring road which allows you to bypass the city center. The ring has also got road junctions to channel from 377 state road and from 237 local highway.

Noci is served by a railway link of "Ferrovie del Sud Est. (Bari - Taranto line). The next stations are are those of Alberobello and Putignano , the latter locality is the center of conjunction to Converano and Casamassima.

To contact us

Call +39 3382048399

or send a message filling out the from below.